Dos and Don’ts of Using a Facial Steamer

Facial steaming has become a popular beauty trend in recent years. It involves using hot steam to open up your pores and cleanse your skin. However, it’s important to know the dos and don’ts of using a facial steamer to avoid damaging your skin. In this article, we’ll discuss the best practices for using a facial steamer.


Before we dive into the dos and don’ts of using a facial steamer, let’s first define what facial steaming is. Facial steaming involves using hot steam to open up your pores and cleanse your skin. This process is typically done using a facial steamer machine or a bowl of hot water.

Facial steaming has several benefits, including:

  • Cleansing your skin
  • Opening up your pores
  • Improving circulation
  • Reducing acne and blackheads
  • Enhancing absorption of skincare products

Now that we’ve covered the benefits, let’s discuss the dos and don’ts of using a facial steamer.

Dos of using a facial steamer

Cleanse your face first

Before using a facial steamer, it’s important to cleanse your face thoroughly. This will help remove any dirt and oil from your skin, allowing the steam to penetrate your pores more effectively.

Use distilled water

When using a facial steamer, it’s important to use distilled water instead of tap water. Tap water can contain impurities that can be harmful to your skin. Using distilled water will ensure that the steam is clean and safe for your skin.

Stay within recommended time limits

It’s important to stay within the recommended time limits when using a facial steamer. Overexposure to steam can cause damage to your skin. Typically, it’s recommended to steam your face for no more than 10 minutes.

Keep a safe distance

When using a facial steamer, it’s important to keep a safe distance from the machine or bowl of hot water. This will prevent the steam from burning your skin.

Use essential oils

Adding essential oils to your facial steamer can enhance the benefits of the steam. For example, adding tea tree oil can help reduce acne and blackheads.

Don’ts of using a facial steamer

Don’t overuse it

While facial steaming can be beneficial for your skin, it’s important not to overuse it. Overexposure to steam can cause damage to your skin, so it’s recommended to steam your face no more than once a week.

Don’t use tap water

As mentioned earlier, it’s important to use distilled water when using a facial steamer. Tap water can contain impurities that can be harmful to your skin.

Don’t use it on sensitive skin

If you have sensitive skin, it’s important to be cautious when using a facial steamer. The hot steam can cause irritation and redness, so it’s best to avoid using it on sensitive skin.

Don’t use it on broken skin

If you have any cuts or wounds on your skin, it’s important to avoid using a facial steamer. The hot steam can cause further damage and slow down the healing process.

Don’t use it for too long

As mentioned earlier, it’s important to stay within the recommended time limits when using a facial steamer. Overexposure to steam can cause damage to your skin, so it’s recommended to steam your face for no more than 10 minutes.

Precautions to take when using a facial steamer

In addition to the dos and don’ts listed above, there are several precautions you should take when using a facial steamer:

Keep your hair away

When using a facial steamer, it’s important to keep your hair away from your face. This will prevent it from getting wet and potentially causing irritation.

Cover your eyes

To prevent the steam from getting into your eyes, it’s a good idea to cover them with a towel or eye mask.

Don’t use it if you have a medical condition

If you have a medical condition such as asthma or rosacea, it’s important to consult with your doctor before using a facial steamer.

Don’t use it if you’re pregnant

If you’re pregnant, it’s best to avoid using a facial steamer. The hot steam can potentially harm the fetus.


Facial steaming can be a beneficial addition to your skincare routine if done correctly. By following the dos and don’ts listed above, you can ensure that you’re using a facial steamer safely and effectively.


  1. How often should I use a facial steamer?
    It’s recommended to use a facial steamer no more than once a week.
  2. Can I use tap water in my facial steamer?
    No, it’s important to use distilled water to ensure that the steam is clean and safe for your skin.
  3. Can facial steaming cause damage to my skin?
    Overexposure to steam can cause damage to your skin, so it’s important to stay within the recommended time limits.
  4. Can I use a facial steamer if I have sensitive skin?
    If you have sensitive skin, it’s best to avoid using a facial steamer.
  5. Are there any precautions I should take when using a facial steamer?
    Yes, it’s important to keep your hair away from your face, cover your eyes, and consult with a doctor if you have a medical condition or are pregnant.

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